Clone from Azure DevOps repository
1-1. Input Password, Confirm Password
1-2. Save Git Credentials
1-3. From your shell, git clone ****
1-4. Password is required, and then input the one you set up
Sometimes the Password above does not work, with the error message like "fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://****' ". In that case, please try creating a personal token
2-1. Input Password, Confirm Password
2-2. Click "Create a Personal access token"
2-3. Click "+New Token"
2-4. Input name and select "Full access", and click "Create"
2-5. The token is displayed on the screen. The warning message is "Make sure you copy the above token now. We don't store it and you will not be able to see it again"
2-6. From your shell, git clone ****
2-7. Input the token obtained above