Thursday, April 4, 2019

Tensorflow Object Detection API - Inference

After you get a machine learning model by training on Tensorflow, you can run that model and receive the detection result. The source code is here on Github. ( Below are examples of inputs and outputs of ""

Set up paths of label, model, and input image

In this example, THRESHOLD allows only inference results higher than 0.6 to be responded

Load image file




Load model file
If you do not load a model file, ops is null.

You have to load a model file and then get tensor names.

Then you are going to create dictionary of Tensor to input into tf.Session().run.

Run inference

Run inference. feed_dict allows to input values. In this case, feed_dict inputs tensor_image made from the test image file.

Change data type of the inference result

Get labels and create a json file
If the example of pascal_label_map.pbtxt is like below,

category_index becomes like this

And then this creates a json file for response